NH Route 16 Bearcamp River Bridges
Bearcamp River Bridge & Bearcamp River Relief Bridge
Eligible for the National Register of Historic Places
Two companion bridges on NH Route 16 in Ossipee were built in 1955. One bridge spans the Bearcamp River, the other bridge spans the Bearcamp River flood plain providing flood relief. These bridges have very distinct engineering characteristics that have helped to qualify them as eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.
Both bridges are now being replaced due to deterioration that has occurred over the past 64 years. This website celebrates the old and new bridges that will be constructed beginning in 2019.

Raised curb
View of the open-grid shoulders, raised curb, and open grid sidewalk assembly located on both sides of each bridge.

View of the bridge deterioration caused by water and road salt seepage from the open-grid assembly above.
Combined Open-grid Steel Shoulder and Sidewalk Assembly
This unique design feature called for the combined open-grid steel shoulder with a raised curb and an open-grid steel sidewalk assembly. Although common to mid-20th century steel deck bridge design, this open-grid system was in limited use in New Hampshire.
While well intended, the open-grid shoulders and open-grid sidewalks led to a situation of accelerated deterioration which required continuous maintenance.
These open-grid areas on the bridge deck allowed water and road salt to freely enter the support structure causing the accelerated deterioration of the pile caps and piles (i.e., bents).
To view the 1954 design plans for both bridges as well as additional historic information go to the Historic Documentation page of this website by clicking on the link below.