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NH Route 16 Bearcamp River Bridges
Bearcamp River Bridge & Bearcamp River Relief Bridge
Eligible for the National Register of Historic Places
Two companion bridges on NH Route 16 in Ossipee were built in 1955. One bridge spans the Bearcamp River, the other bridge spans the Bearcamp River flood plain providing flood relief. These bridges have very distinct engineering characteristics that have helped to qualify them as eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.
Both bridges are now being replaced due to deterioration that has occurred over the past 64 years. This website celebrates the old and new bridges that will be constructed beginning in 2019.
Historic Documentation
National Register of Historic Places
Today, both bridges are eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places due to their unique and uncommon design. The National Park Service administers the National Register of Historic Places and holds the official Federal list of districts, sites, buildings, structures, and objects significant in American history, architecture, archaeology, engineering, and culture. National Register properties have significance to the history of their community, state, or the nation.
The National Park Service adminsters the National Register of Historic Places.
1954 Bridge Design Plans
2012 NHDHR Inventory Forms
Historic Documentation
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